Jane's Hooked on Crochet

A place to write about my crocheting, things I'm learning, book reviews, ideas, projects in mind, works in progress, patterns, photos, fair entries, whatever...

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Conference - Narrowing the class selection

On Friday evening I crawled into bed without a novel, instead I had the list of classes for the Conference, my Excel spreadsheet of the classes I wanted to take, and a handful of colorful neon highlighters.
I put pink x's on the classes I didn't want to take, blue checkmarks on classes I've already taken or learned the equivalent information on my own, and green dashes on the ones I really wanted to take. Then I thought about where I wanted/needed to go with my Professional Development in crochet. I then re-read all the classes, more pink x's and more green dashes until I narrowed things down to the number of hours they were offering classes. You just can't take 21 classes when they offer time slots for 8! I made my final decision, a total of 5 classes, leaving Sunday open for site-seeing or driving home. Then I just had to wait until registration opened this morning. I will admit that when I started checking off the classes on the registration form this morning that I did yet another read over of the classes, and made another change. But I like the final decision, and the classes actually fit together rather than a little of this and a little of that.
Details on the final choices are in the next post.


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