May Day & tea cozies & crochet

This morning I was surfing Webshots to find some pictures of flowers in baskets to send for May Day. I found a lot of interesting crocheted items. I'll show you a few to spark your crochet imagination.

I'll start with a very traditional doily with Irish roses, beautifully crafted.

An exquisite doily with 3-D swans and waterlilies!

A heart & flowers sachet

An unusual shaped flowered purse

Irises and daffodils

These are beautiful, crocheted and beaded flower buttons.

A miniature rose pillow for a doll house.

This bed doll is cute, but just look at that exquisite pillow!

Don't overlook the beautiful lace runner on the top of the dresser...

This dollhouse is complete with a basket of yarn and a needlework project in process, and it's crochet!

An Easter wedding flower basket complete with crocheted doily liner

Then I came across some lovely flowered tea cozies...

Look at these beautiful tea cup cozies. I think I might have to make some of these, a great way to use up those little bits of left over yarn. Or this might be a way to try several colors together to see if you'd like them in an afghan.

Perhaps my favorite tea cozy, even if it's not crocheted, it's just too perfect.

I'm going to get a cup of hot tea, go back to crocheting my "Ring around the Posie" top, and wish everyone a Happy May Day.
Note: all these pictures were on Webshots, and I used the "Link to" feature. If you click on the picture, you will be redirected to the original Webshots picture with the photographer credit.
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