Jane's Hooked on Crochet

A place to write about my crocheting, things I'm learning, book reviews, ideas, projects in mind, works in progress, patterns, photos, fair entries, whatever...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

There's a new book coming out in September, with all the clothing patterns based on symbol crochet and diagrams. I'm fascinated because the author has done a tremendous job of writing about the process of creating the swatches, garments and books, on "her blog". She also has a cool labeling feature on her blog so that you can click labels: book progress and read only the posts about the book. I found that helped keep my focus on the book, and the whole creating, writing process. I'll go back now and read the rest of the blog.
Here's a link to the "book information on Amazon". Look at how cool is this book information on Amazon. They include a post from Robin's blog, and a link to read all of her blog.
I can't wait to actually see the book at Borders this fall. I'll enjoy looking at all the projects, and drooling over one's that I'd like to make. But,...I probably won't buy the book. I'm totally Not a visual learner. I wonder if she'd also write the patterns in standard form for those of us who are Linguistic learners?


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