Monday, July 05, 2010

Organizing & packing

The organizing is finished. The binder has maps from home to Manchester, downtown Manchester, a list of restaurants downtown, a map from Manchester to the shore, and another from the beach to home. Then dividers for each day at the conference, print out of class description and homework, all homework is in ziplocks in the binder. I have a snack size zippie with the amount of the materials fee (still need to get cash and get it into bags). The suitcase is packed, dress clothes in a garment bag and shoes in a tote, the crochet bag is organized, I have a book bag full of binders and folders for classes and meetings, and I have a bag of yarn for classes.

In the morning I have a few things to add to "cosmetics bag", and some cold things to put into a small cooler, and then I'm ready to hit the road. I'm so excited to be heading off to Chain Link! But, also I'm so tired right now that I feel like it's the first day back home. I better not socialize too late tomorrow night, we have to be up early on Wednesday for Professional Development Day.

See you in Manchester! If you're not going to be there, maybe I'll make a post that's like a vacation postcard. Having a great time, wish you were here!

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