Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Live from Chain Link! sorry that didn't work

I had great plans to blog from the Conference, similar to a "Wish you were here" vacation postcard. Unfortunately, all my technology decided to play little games. I was 3 hours from home when I realized that I hadn't charged my cell phone overnight, and then had forgotten to bring the charger. So I planned to set up my laptop on arrival and send daughter #2 an email that I had arrived safely. The hotel had free wireless, and said daughter had downloaded 4 different wireless drivers, so we thought the laptop was good to go. Well, none of the those drivers happened to be the one that was needed for the Radisson free wireless, so I was without that technology. Luckily another attendee had a charging cord that worked, and I got my phone charged and was able to use it.

Since those fabulous, live from Chain Link posts didn't happen, I'd like to give you a few links with photos and give you a taste of the Conference. Wednesday, July 7th was the CGOA Professional Development Day (PDD). PDD started with talks by "Kristin Omdahl" about her life as a crochet designer (among other crochet hats that she wears), and "Lily Chin" discussing her life as a crochet teacher (again, she wears many other hats, also). The afternoon featured break-out sessions by well-known names in many fields of crochet. There was time for everyone to attend 3 sessions. The sessions included designing, contract crocheting, teaching, book publication, and other crochet business ideas. There were door prize drawings throughout the day, and some wonderful prizes were distributed. A Silent Auction to benefit the "Lyme Disease Association" raised almost $1000.

"CGOA Now! photos of Professional Development Day"

After PDD from 8-5, I took an evening class (6-9) on photographing needlework. This class was with "Susan Huxley", and I now have some tips to help with lighting to make those lovely textures show up better in photos.

"CGOA" again packed a huge amount of information into one day! A great start to the 2010 Chain Link Conference.

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