Friday, August 13, 2010

2011 Chain Link Conferences

Yes, that title is plural. Next year the CGOA is back to having 2 Conferences a year. Previously the CGOA, The Knit & Crochet Show, and Offinger offered 2 conferences, one was National and one Regional. Since the Knitting Guild and the Market were combined with the CGOA, one conference was the Crocheters National/Knitters Regional and the other was the Crocheters Regional/Knitters National. It's sounding like 2011's conferences might be promoted as equal conferences, not one national, one regional.

I know for a fact that the CGOA Board of Directors is busy discussing events to promote at each of these Conferences.
To keep up-to-date with information about the conferences, check out the "CGOA website", the "blog CGOA Now!" and "Ravelry CGOA group".

I've got the dates written on my calendar!

Minneapolis in July
Classes: Wednesday, July 27 through Saturday, July 30
Shopping: Friday, July 29 through Sunday, July 31
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

Greensboro, NC in September
Classes: Wednesday, September 21 through Saturday, September 24
Shopping: Friday, September 23 through Sunday, September 25
Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons/Joseph S. Koury Convention Center

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