Jane's Hooked on Crochet

A place to write about my crocheting, things I'm learning, book reviews, ideas, projects in mind, works in progress, patterns, photos, fair entries, whatever...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Delta crochet tip

I'm not a visual learner, and was having difficulty reading the chart.
Thanks to an earlier fellow student for the idea of highlighters. I have a set of 50 colored pencils in my crochet bag, for design ideas. After printing out the lesson plan, I put the chart into my scanner & made a scan. I then enlarged it & printed it out. I brought this full page chart and colored pencils to where I was working. I memorized a small portion of the chart, say treble ch4 treble, then worked those stitches, then colored them in with the pencil. Then went to the next group of stitches. I used a different color for each round, which is extremely helpful when you get to the blossoms and the first half are worked in one round, and the other half are worked in the following round.
For the first 2 ornaments, I had to color every single stitch in every round. I'm now working on lesson 3 and find that I only have to color about the first 1/6 of each round, and I can follow the pattern for the rest of the round.